If you need to work from home, here is a list of things to check before you get started. To work remotely the bare minimum required is an internet connection and a web browser. Other methods of working remotely are possible but this list will get you started. 


  • Set up your security profile on the password reset portal. Select “My account” and follow the instructions. 

If you get locked out of your account for any reason the password reset portal will enable you to gain access again BUT you must set up your profile first.  


  • Make sure you have access to the internet and a web browser at home.  

Most of the services you need to communicate with colleagues and complete basic tasks can be accessed with an internet connection and a web browser. 


  • Sign into Office.com to access the online version of Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams and get comfortable with the layout. 

Guidance and training can be found here.


  • Inside Office.com access your OneDrive and save any files you will need to access by using the upload option. 

OneDrive works like a “My Documents” folder in the cloud. You can save work in progress and store files that you will need access to while you are off campus. No one else can access these files unless you grant them permission. Please note: The N Drive is not available off campus. 


Microsoft Teams allows you to work and collaborate with your colleagues from anywhere with only an internet connection and a web browser. Further guidance on setting up a Team site can be found here. 


  • Finally sign into MySuffolk and make sure you can access any other online systems you might need, you will need to test this off campus. 

Please note: As a security precaution and in the interest of Data Protection not all online systems can be accessed while off campus. If you have concerns about not being able to complete required tasks as a result, please contact your line manager in the first instance.